December Solstice 2021

Crucial times

17:00 CET Sun 0° Capricorn, Moon opposing Venus and Pluto, Saturn in Action with Uranus, Mercury between Chronos and Hades and much more


The Sun entering the Sign of Capricorn marks the solstice, the begining of winter in the northern hemisphere. In astrology, this moment sets the tone for the season.

Things have a more serious aspect, but life might be a bit more grounded, too, things feeling more solid and real again. With the respective aspect still tightening, societal tension and conflicts will still be with us for months to come. Even more tension is building between the poeple on one side and public institutions, as well as laws and regulations, on the opposite.


In addition, there is a clash between our emotional world and our responsibilities - our needs are opposed to societal expactations and duties. Entering into a phase of redifining values and relationships is experienced as a threat to our sense of personal and emotional security, to our safety zone. Even the things in life that bring joy, the things we love are being questioned. This can feel disturbing. It might even mean loss. This is a process of getting to the core of what we really need, of what is essential.


Boundaries are a most prominent theme: the way we define our privacy, our personal safe space, the way we avoid certain things or withdraw to protect ourselves - the way we limit our growth? On the other hand, there's the limitations and boundaries in public life - and, along with it, expectations and responsibilities we have to handle. Those areas are being tested, and, very likely, will be taken to extremes before balance can be acchieved in some shape or form.

Institutions and authorities can be experienced as overpowering and oppressive. A huge public threat on one side and our comfort zone on the other: this can also manifest as lockdown, the pandemic forcing us to retreat into our homes and private space once more. Moreover, the defence of privacy against institutional control will be on the agenda.


We are at a crossraods, a crucial point between power for the sake of power, literal dark forces, controlling and manipulating, and a safe, nurturing, protective government and/or society. It's our attitude, our mindset, the way we handle information and facts, the way we communicate and connect. A sober and rational way of navigating our world, taking into account past experiences and future responssiblities, respecting personal needs and feelings. Respecting each other. Staying grounded, while at the same time embracing, or actively implementing, a new and unconventional approach.

This is a journey into a different kind of world. Our conditioning, our expectations as well as traditional role models are predominating. It's our hearts, our emotional world, that's showing the way through. I a healthy balance with comon sense, social intelligence, deliberateness and wisdom can flourish.


It's about bridging personal needs and collective necesities. Commitment and social responsibility are prerequisites. February will be the time to put in extra effort, in March we will find great opportunities to come together, reunite, reconcile.

Things are changing: maybe still in a rather slow way, but irrevocably. The upcoming months hold the potential to find common ground and build a new foundation to create our future, togehter.


This text is based on astrological interpretation. It is not to be taken as a recommendation or guideline of any kind. Moreover, this is non-personalized, general astrological information. Any implementation or use of this information is in your own responsibility and at your own risk.

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